New Orleans, you head the words and instantly probably think Hurricane Katrina, but in truth when I hear New Orleans that is the last thing I think about. In the long time I’ve lived in Texas I’ve driven past New Orleans probably five times and had never stopped. I thought about driving one time when I was road tripping by myself, but the drive just seemed too far and coffee was not going to cut it to keep me awake. So I waited and waited and forgot my long lost plans to go. Then it finally happened I went and let me just say going to the French Quarter was like going back in time. All the buildings in the French Quarter just so happened to be turning 300 years old while we were there visiting and can I just say I fell in love with what I got to explore while I was there. Being there was a little bitter sweet because it reminded me of the buildings in Cuba so much, in a way it was like being there again. I tried two of the must haves while I was there beignets and I also had a hand grenade.