Hey loves,
Welcome to my new website. Here I will be sharing everything you've been reading in regards to Fashion, Food, Travel, and my new found love for Photography. I hope you'll enjoy seeing life through my lens.
Ever since I made the very firm decision to start wearing my hair curly about almost a year ago (cannot actually believe it's been that long). I started to feel this rush of confidence after the second time of attending an important event only to be told by someone that they loved my hair. All of the sudden I was somehow more noticeable, I'd even argue more approachable. I felt and looked much happier which is inviting to people and the hair seemed to be a great conversation starter. After a few months au natural and many pictures later, I started to feel a little like Carrie (hence the crazy relationship and huge apartment) It just clicked, she was a writer, and so am I. I have wild curly hair, so did she, and the most important we are both ever so obsessed with shoes and specially Manolo Blahnik (I say this as I sit writing while wearing vans because #Mondays ). The curly hair peeled back another layer of my personality per-se and although I am currently taking a small break from the curls, I cannot wait to get back to them. #curlsarewheretheheartis
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