Weekend in New Orleans


It’s officially October, and I’ve been left wondering where the heck September went. October is my favorite month of the year besides January (hello birthday month). I absolutely love everything about October, it’s fall, there’s that sudden change in the air, there’s scary movie marathons, you can finally drink hot coffee outside without burning up, there’s sweaters, cuddles with that special someone or maybe with a glass of wine (I’ll take both) , it just feels GOOD. When I think about fall weather, New Orleans is one of the first places that comes to mind, it just feels like the kind of place to spend this time of the year, the old preserved history, coffee shops, beignets, and the feel of the city as a whole is inviting, this the perfect place to be entirely whoever you want to be to excess. I spent the weekend there and discovered a new New Orleans can do, and open seating plan that allows you to come into the cafe through multiple big doors that also double as windows. This day it was foggy and a bit humid so I opted for a short plaid dress from Zara and my trusty Goorin Bros ‘Dakota Fedora’ which is sold out, but here’s a similar option .


Why I Started Eating Vegetarian


I have been a transitioning vegetarian since 2017 🙈🙈

We grow up our whole lives convinced that we HAVE TO eat meat and just animals in general. I know this better than anyone else being Cuban we eat beef, pork ,lamb, all kinds of seafood and exotic things like crocodile and turtle. But here’s the thing as a kid & growing up I never really had a taste for eating meat. I preferred rice, beans, and a side of a tomato salad with some cucumbers and maybe an avocado, or some lettuce with a sprinkle of salt, pepper, and a little bit of lime juice or vinegar. REALLY I was that specific.. still am. Needless to say to my mom always said I was and still am a picky eater. These good habits have waxed and wained over the past 2 to 3 years. I had a period of time in 2015 when I was really into cooking and perfecting the way I made steak (that was my favorite) then I wanted to dabble into other things different ways to make chicken, etc. I was hooked, and although I incorporated vegetables in my daily life, it wasn’t as much healthy way because it was always paired with some kind of meat. I know what you’re thinking…how can I even think of not eating meat we ALL need it to get the proper nutrition is what has always been said to us. MEAT is protein! Let me tell you that boy is that not totally right. Since the summer of 2017 when I started to notice during working out I was moving slower, it was harder to breathe, among other subtle signs here and there is when I decided it was time to embrace my vegetarian side… which truly had always been a habit. Not being a big meat eater most of my life I thought it was going to be SUPER easy and I’m here to tell you I was SUPER wrong. It takes a lot of preparation and dicipline because once you get a taste of meat, its kinda hard to go back. I’ll be sharing my journey and tips with you in a series of posts that will be titled Meat eater > Vegertarian. Stay on the look out for those and until then. Stay healthy my friends!